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26/10: Round 3! - A mentally challenging Saturday +8.1pts

Oh wow! what a start to Round 3

Whilst I finished the trading day with +8.1 points, it was seriously hard work in the markets. I had a decent start in the earlier first half games a

See some of the first half wins below

I then got absolutely battered in the 3PM games (first half), coming from 2 pts up to -0.6 pt loss


This is where the mind games started. "Why isn't this working?" "Am I doing something wrong etc...?" Why didn't I stop earlier etc..? "This is a complete waste of my Saturday and time!"

I took a break and came back to closely study some of the second half data using Goal Profits, my main research tool. I then patiently waited for my usual entry times late in game for my picks (I only go in if there hasn't been a second half goal). I also added an extra layer of filters using team attacking power stats. I know the second half odds aren't as great but that's because the probability of a second half late goal is higher than in the first half - so of course the efficient Betfair odds reflect that.

The mental effort to stick the plan paid off! I managed to grab some screenshots of some of the big wins and late goals today that got us over the line (including double jackpot at York City - thank you my Yorkshire peeps!)

P&L for the day showing 8.1 Pts

Note on staking: I have moved £8 stakes (50% per market). I was meant to move to £7 but because I am using the betfair interface to enter my stakes at the moment, the .5 is a pain to type as I am a high volume trader.

I will get setup on the right software when I get back from the half term break in November

Round 2 so far:

  • 40 trades

  • +8.1 pts


I am travelling next week for half term, taking a break from my day job and also trading (perfectly timed and will be a great reset, and away from the markets)

So next blog will be Friday / Saturday - first week in November

See ya then!

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